Guided tours and visits
Discover new things on our guided tours and visits
Ever wondered what Lucerne’s landmark water tower looks like from the inside? Ever wanted to hear the stories behind the KKL Luzern or the little town of Willisau? Then sign up for a guided tour, for instance to learn about Lucerne’s eventful past. Experience the diversity of the Lake Lucerne Region on a guided excursion. Browse through our offerings and find exactly what interests you.
Experience the city of Lucerne
More guided tours
Discover our region the sustainable and convenient way!
Enjoy a relaxed and environmentally friendly stay. Numerous public transport connections allow you to experience our region in a climate-friendly and convenient way.
Zentralschweizer Gutschein
Whether for a family outing, a leisure activity with friends, or a romantic evening for two: With the "Zentralschweizer Gutschein", you're giving your loved ones the full diversity of the Lucerne-Lake Lucerne Region.